When you realize the difference between the container and the content, you will have knowledge.

- The Book of the Book – Idries Shah

Monday, April 9, 2012

Vulpem pilum mutat, non mores

Pay no attention to the man behind the curtain!
 The  Blog "Engaging in American Government" recently wrote an editorial piece on the Trayvon Martin Shooting . I was amused by the initial response when she had heard of the incident, citing the "blatant racial overtones and disregard for justice," that she felt, and stressing the need for justice to be done, though she never does state  what that justice is, and what form it should take.  Mind you, I was not "amused" as in a tickling of my funny bone. Neigh.  It is in the realm of an ironical use, to state my chagrin for the mob mentality that is being perpetrated by the Media. With the passage of  time, the author comes to realize that not is all that it seems with the incident, that *gasp* the public did not know all the facts surrounding the case and that the media was and continues to be complicit  in inciting mob violence.  Though coherent and well written, the author stops just short of the other realities of this case in concerns to seemingly everyone else.


Yes, someone was killed.

But to cover your eyes and to not admit what the "unbiased" media has done to attack George Zimmerman is a crime in of itself.  The purposeful and negligent act of using undated photos to portray a young adult with criminal tendencies as a child victim is criminal, for what purpose does it achieve other then to fuel the flames?  This was also coupled with the purposeful and negligent act of stating George Zimmerman as white, and then when is came out that he was in fact not white, that he was jewish, peruvian, and white.( A Hebrew Mestizo, if you will.)  The media then created the term "white-hispanic" as to not lose the racial division that is trying to be achieved.  So, using the logic involved, stating father's race first then mother's second ( which is done to not lose the importance of him being white, for it does not have the same ring to it as hispanic-white)  then the media should refer to our current president as black-white, since it seems to be lost to the annals of time that his mother was indeed white.  Then you have NBC creating fake audio to make Zimmerman, a person who tutors unprivileged black children mind you, appear as "racist." Or CNN's claim the 911 tape had racial slurs but then after further examination that it indeed did not.  Let's not forget our dear President chimed in on this issue, stating that if he had a son, he'd look like Trayvon, yet has remained silent about the bounty placed on Zimmerman's head by the New Black Panther Party, or in fact how he has not come out once and said "hey guys, let due process work, lets not get violent."  To be Silent is to Condone.  As a leader, the moment he spoke on the issue is the moment that it became his.  Now is the time for him to show leadership, and he could so by simply stating the need for law and order,and I would proudly stand by the President if he did so, but all we get is deafening silence.

Another murder is happening.  And that is of Due Process of Law.

Our founding fathers feared the onset of mobocracy.  They knew, as the famous quote states, "a democracy is nothing more the two wolves and one sheep deciding on whats for dinner," thus tried to prevent it form occurring, giving to us a republic, a lost concept it seems, to the masses.  The whole situation reminds me of the soldiers involved in the Boston Massacre.  The Mob wanted their blood but rule of law prevailed and they were given a fair trail. Racial Hatred played its part in this, for after all, it was the British against the Colonists.  Self-proclaimed identity seems to constitute what a person's race is after all, or whatever the "unbiased media" wants to declare you to be,  just ask George Zimmerman or our mixed race president

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